Saturday, April 30, 2011

Invitation to joy

Life is constantly inviting you to experience new joy. Choose to accept more of those invitations.

You work hard to be able to live your life in the way you choose. So make sure you truly live it.

Even when you are hard at work, live with a playful and joyous attitude. Even when the situation is exceedingly serious, don't take yourself too seriously.

Give your spirit just as much nourishment as you give your body and your mind. Every richness you'll ever experience is connected to the beauty inside you.

It's easy to make the excuse that you're too busy, because you probably are. Remember though, that there's much more to life than just keeping yourself productively occupied.

A new and unexpected joy can revive your spirit, and make everything you do more effective. When you follow your heart, your mind will soon come to thank you.

-- Ralph Marston

Copyright (c) 2011 Ralph S. Marston, Jr. From The Daily Motivator at where you will find an archive of more than 4,500 positive messages plus books, CDs, motivational videos and more. Permission is given to post online only if this entire notice is included.

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