Saturday, February 18, 2012

Your life is yours

True fulfillment requires responsibility. Your life is yours, so step up and take responsibility for it.

If you expect someone else to do it for you, what you end up with will have no real meaning to you. When you avoid responsibility you cheat yourself out of much of life's richness.

Living with full responsibility for your own life is not easy. Yet taking the easy way out in the short term, leads to a life that is tragically difficult in the long run.

It's your life, and you have the priceless opportunity to live it. So go ahead and live it, with all the ups and downs, with the frustrations and inconveniences, with all the setbacks and all the joys.

Let go of the fantasy that someone or something will come along and make it all easy for you. Instead, experience the matchless satisfaction of solving your own problems and making your own way in life.

Celebrate and fulfill the unique, beautiful possibilities that are yours. Take responsibility, and get a life that's rich with meaning.

-- Ralph Marston

Copyright (c) 2012 Ralph S. Marston, Jr. From The Daily Motivator at where you will find an archive of more than 4,500 positive messages plus books, CDs, motivational videos and more. Permission is given to post online only if this entire notice is included.

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