Monday, May 6, 2013

Into the resistance

When outside resistance is pushing against you, what's the best direction to go? Without question, the best direction is straight toward the resistance, because you'll also be headed straight toward your goal.

The faster you're going in the direction you have chosen to go, the more resistance you'll encounter. Stick your hand out the car window when you're driving at freeway speed, and you'll feel a whole lot more resistance than you will when sitting still.

The challenges and setbacks will push against you, and yet they also confirm that you're making meaningful effort and progress. Keep making that effort, heading into the resistance, and you'll soon make it through.

Don't resist the resistance or turn and run from it. Face the resistance, fully focused on your goal, and step by step, inch by inch, day by day, move positively forward.

When you're encountering great resistance, you have the opportunity to create great value. With a solid and steady commitment, you can do whatever must be done.

On the other side of the resistance is the reward you seek. Get yourself through it, and get to the value you've chosen to create.

-- Ralph Marston

Copyright (c) 2013 Ralph S. Marston, Jr. From The Daily Motivator at where you will find an archive of more than 4,500 positive messages plus books, CDs, motivational videos and more. Permission is given to post online only if this entire notice is included.

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