Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Live your joy

It's not the troubles that trouble you. It's the way you react to them.

What if you could choose not to let the troubles get to you? What if you could work your way through them while remaining positive and joyful?

Life's difficulties do not need your help. They are plenty difficult on their own, without you adding to them.

So make the choice not to add to them. Acknowledge their reality, deal effectively with them, but don't allow them to pull you down.

The way you feel is the way you choose to feel. Choose to feel powerful, choose to feel in control, choose to feel purposeful, abundant and joyful because at the heart of you, you are.

The living spirit in you is stronger than any trouble you'll ever encounter. Remember that, feel its truth, and live your joy no matter what.

-- Ralph Marston

Copyright (c) 2010 Ralph S. Marston, Jr. From The Daily Motivator at where you will find an archive of more than 3,000 positive messages plus books, CDs, motivational videos and more. Permission is given to post online only if this entire notice is included.

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