Friday, August 14, 2009

Beyond what is comfortable

Progress is made by doing what you have not done before. To truly grow stronger, you must step beyond what is comfortable and familiar.

Just outside your door is a whole wonderful world of new possibilities. And with those new possibilities come new and difficult challenges.

Go ahead, and have the courage to open that door and to step outside your comfort zone. For though the challenges are many, the rewards are more valuable than you can imagine.

You are designed and equipped and intended for great things. You are flexible and adaptable and creative and intelligent enough to successfully handle whatever you encounter.

Beyond the comfort of what you already know, you'll find the wonder and magnificence of all you can become. Go explore and fulfill the very best possibilities.

-- Ralph Marston

Copyright (c) 2009 Ralph S. Marston, Jr. From The Daily Motivator at where you will find an archive of more than 3,000 positive messages plus books, CDs, motivational videos and more. Permission is given to post online only if this entire notice is included.

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